How To Wash Hey Dudes Insoles – 6 Effective Ways of Cleaning

Hey Dude shoes are a popular brand of casual footwear known for their comfortable, versatile style. The shoes are also known for their removable, washable insoles – a feature that helps to keep your shoes smelling fresh and looking new.

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about the insoles of your shoes. But did you know that the insoles can actually be a breeding ground for bacteria? That’s why it’s important to give them a good scrubbing every now and then.

In this article, we’ll show you how to wash Hey Dudes insoles so that they stay clean and fresh.

How to Wash Hey Dudes Insoles – A Step-By-Step Guide

Are your Hey Dudes shoes looking a little worse for wear? If the insoles look dirty, it may be time to clean them.

Here’s a simple guide on washing Hey Dudes insoles so you can keep your shoes looking new.

Tools and Materials

To wash Hey Dude insoles, you’ll need the following:

  • A Mild Detergent
  • A Soft-bristled Brush
  • A Clean Cloth
  • Basin or Sink

Next, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Remove the insoles from the shoes

Remove the insoles from the shoes before washing them. This will help prevent the shoes from getting wet and becoming moldy.

2. Mix Detergent in Water

If you’re using a powder detergent, mix it in with water before adding insoles. Powder detergent can settle on top of insoles and cause them to come out streaky. Mix a small amount of mild detergent with warm water in the basin or sink.

Can you wash hey dude insoles

3. Soak the Insoles in Soapy Water

Start by soaking the insoles of your shoes in soapy water. Submerge the insoles in the soapy water and let them soak for a few minutes. This will loosen any dirt, debris, or sweat that may have built up on them.

4. Scrub the Insoles to Clean

Once they have soaked for a few minutes, use a soft brush to clean the insoles. Then rinse the brush and scrub until no dirt remains on the brush. Repeat with the other insole.

5. Rinse with Clean Water

Rinse both insoles in cold water and blot dry with a clean towel. Rinse the insoles thoroughly with clean water

6. Dry the Insoles

Allow the insoles to air dry completely before putting them back in the shoes; otherwise, you’ll introduce bacteria to your shoes. Flex them occasionally as they dry to help them regain their shape.

Air drying of insoles after washing

If you’re in a hurry, you can put the insoles on a hairdryer on “cool” and hold them about eight inches away. Give them about 10 minutes.

7. Stuff the Shoes

Stuff the shoes to help them keep their shape as they dry. You can use wadded-up newspapers, shoe trees, or even just clean socks. This will also help the shoes dry faster.

Following these simple steps, you can easily keep your Hey Dudes insoles and shoes clean and fresh.

How to Clean Hey Dude Insoles – 6 Ways of Cleaning Insoles

There are many ways to clean hey dude insoles. The following six ways are the most common.

1. Wash Hey Dude Insoles With Scrubbing

There’s no need to be gentle with your Hey Dude Insoles – you can scrub them with a brush to get them clean.

Just make sure you don’t scrub too hard, as you don’t want to damage the material.

2. Clean Hey Dude Insoles With Disinfectant

If your Hey Dude shoes are starting to smell a bit funky, it’s probably time to clean the insoles. Here’s a quick and easy guide on how to clean your Hey Dude insoles with disinfectant.

First, remove the insoles from the shoes. If they’re really dirty, you may want to scrub them with a brush to remove any built-up dirt and grime.

Use Disinfectant - how to wash hey dudes insoles

Once the insoles are clean, spray them with a disinfectant and let them dry. You can also sprinkle some baking soda on the insoles to help absorb any odors.

Once the insoles are dry, put them back in the shoes and enjoy your freshly cleaned Hey Dudes.

3. Clean Hey Dude Insoles With Alcohol

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to your insoles. But if you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clean them, you can use alcohol.

Just pour some alcohol on a clean cloth and gently scrub the insoles. You can also use a cotton swab if you need to get into smaller spaces. Then, let the insoles air dry or pat them dry with a towel.

This method is quick, easy, and effective and will leave your insoles looking and smelling fresh. So the next time you need to clean your shoes in a hurry, don’t forget about your trusty insoles.

4. Use Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda in the shoes and on the insoles while they are drying to absorb any odor. You can use a brush to work it into the fabric of the shoes if necessary.

5. Clean Hey Dude Insoles With Vinegar

If your Hey Dudes are starting to stink, it might be time to clean them. And while you can certainly take them to a shoe store or laundry mat to get them cleaned, you can also clean them at home with a little vinegar.

Vinegar is a great natural disinfectant and will help to remove any bacteria that might be causing the bad smell.

Vinegar - a method on how to clean hey dudes insoles

All you need to do is fills a basin with equal parts water and vinegar, soak the insoles for a few minutes, and then let them air dry. Once they’re dry, you can put them back in your shoes and enjoy fresh-smelling feet all day long.

6. Clean Hey Dude Insoles With Deodorizing

To clean your Hey Dude shoes, simply remove the insoles and wash them with soap and water. You can also use a mild bleach solution to kill any bacteria that may be present. Let the insoles air dry before putting them back in your shoes.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Can I Put My Insoles In The Washing Machine?

No, you cannot put your insoles in the washing machine. It’s not advised to put your insoles in the washing machine. Doing so will damage the insoles and reduce their effectiveness. While they may come out clean, the heat from the washing cycle can damage the material and reduce the lifespan of your insoles. If you want to clean your insoles, hand wash them with mild soap and warm water and let them air dry.

Do Hey dudes have removable insoles?

Many people wonder if Hey dude shoes have removable insoles. The answer is yes, they do! Hey dude shoes come with removable insoles that can be taken out for cleaning or replaced with new ones.

How do you clean memory foam insoles?

You can clean your memory foam insoles in a few different ways. One way is to remove them from your shoes and wash them with soap and water. You can also spot-clean them with a damp cloth. Just be sure to air dry them afterward. Memory foam insoles can collect dirt and sweat, so it’s important to clean them regularly. By following these simple steps, you can keep your insoles clean and fresh.

Can you run Hey dudes in the washing machine?

The answer is yes, but we don’t recommend it. Machine washing can damage the fabric and cause the colors to fade over time. Plus, it’s just not as gentle as hand-washing, which is the best way to care for your gear.


The best way to clean Hey Dudes’ insoles is to use a mild soap and water solution. You can also use a toothbrush to scrub away any dirt or debris. Be sure to rinse the insoles thoroughly and let them air dry before wearing them again.

As you can see, there are a few different ways to clean your Hey Dudes insoles. Whatever method you choose, make sure you clean them regularly to keep your feet healthy and extend the life of your shoes.

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