How to Tell if Shoes are Non Slip – A Quick Guide

Have you ever thought about why non-slip shoes are important and how to guess if shoes are non-slip or not? In many occupations, it is essential to wear shoes that will not slip on wet or greasy surfaces. This is important for both safety reasons and to avoid accidents.

Do you have any idea “How to tell if shoes are non slip? If you want to get non-slip shoes but don’t have any clue about the features of non-slip shoes.

This blog post is a complete & quick guide providing a solution to your problem. So, read it further without any delay.

Why is it Important to Wear Non-Slip Shoes?

Non-slip shoes are shoes that have a special sole that is designed to prevent slipping. They are often used in workplaces where there is a risk of slippings, such as kitchens or restaurants.

They can also be used in other situations where you might need extra traction, such as when hiking or walking on slippery surfaces.

If you work in a job where there is a risk of slipping, then you should definitely consider wearing non-slip shoes. They can help to prevent accidents and injuries, and they will also make your job much easier.

There are many types of shoes on the market today, but not all of them are created equal. Some shoes are better suited for certain activities than others.

For example, you wouldn’t want to wear open-toed shoes to a construction site. This is because OSHA- the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, has strict guidelines on what type of footwear can be worn in certain workplaces.

OSHA does not provide any specific guidelines on non-slip shoes. Therefore, you should research non-slip shoes before buying them.

Slip Resistant Testing For Shoes

6 Ways how to tell if shoes are Non Slip

Slips and falls in the workplace can have serious consequences, so it’s important to be able to tell if a pair of shoes is non-slip or not.

Shoes don’t come with tags that say whether they’re slip-resistant or not. It’s up to you to determine whether a pair of shoes is safe for griping on a wet floor, stairs or the road.

This makes the process of choosing footwear quite challenging at times. It is because people use different criteria while making their final decision of whether a pair of shoes will help them successfully navigate their way through slippery surfaces or not.

Here are a few quick and easy tests that can be done to determine if shoes have good non-slip properties.

Note: Non-slip shoes do not guarantee that you won’t fall. Always walk carefully, even if you are wearing non-slip footwear.

1. Check the Box or Brand Website

If you are unsure whether or not your shoes are non-slip, the best way to find out is to check the box or the brand’s website. Many brands will have this information included somewhere on the packaging or on their website. This is important to know because non-slip shoes are essential for many work environments.

While you can always ask someone at the store if they know whether or not the shoes are non-slip, it is always best to double-check for yourself. This way, you can be sure that you are getting the right type of shoe for your needs.

It has come to our attention that there are companies out there who are selling products labeled as “non-slip” without any scientific research to back up their claims.

We have seen some products being marketed as “non-slip” when in reality, they provide no better grip than any other product on the market.

marketing companies label the non slip shoes

If you are considering purchasing a product labeled as “non-slip,” we urge you to do your research first. Make sure that the company has conducted scientific testing to back up its claims, and be wary of any products that don’t have any research to support their claims.

2. Examine the Outsole

The outsole of shoes refers to the bottom part of the shoes which is in contact with the ground when you are walking or running. It is also the part of the shoes which experiences the most wear and tear.

So, it is important to choose a material that can provide a good grip on various surfaces. The outsole is usually made of a durable material such as rubber or carbon fiber to withstand constant contact with the ground.

There are many factors that contribute to the slip resistance of a shoe outsole. The material of the outsole, the tread pattern, and the surface treatment are all important.

Non-slip shoes usually have a textured sole that provides extra grip. Some shoes also have a raised heel or toe to prevent slipping. Some non-slip shoes are even made with special materials that help to absorb shocks and reduce the risk of slipping.

The outsole must also be flexible so that it can adapt to the contours of the ground and provide good contact.

a. Slip-Resistant Material- Prefer Rubber Soles

If you work in an industry where slip-resistant shoes are a necessity, be sure to select the right material for your needs. When choosing a slip-resistant material for your shoes, you should consider your budget, your needs, and the type of surfaces you will be walking on.

Slip-resistant shoes are an important part of many people’s work uniforms, as they help to prevent slipping and falling on wet or oily surfaces.

There are a variety of different slip-resistant materials that can be used in shoes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The best material for your needs will depend on the type of work you do.

The most common slip-resistant materials are rubber, latex, and polyurethane. Rubber is the most inexpensive option, but it is also the least durable.

Latex is more expensive, but it is also more durable and provides better traction. Polyurethane is the most expensive option, but it is also the most durable and provides the best traction.

It is a common misconception that harder materials are more slip-resistant. In fact, softer materials, such as rubber, are more slip-resistant. This is because harder materials tend to be more brittle and can break more easily under stress.

rubber material is non-slip

Softer materials, on the other hand, can better withstand stress and are more likely to stay intact.

If you’re looking for better slip resistance, for instance, then a softer material is the way to go. Additionally, softer materials are often more comfortable and can provide better shock absorption.

There has been a recent trend in the sneaker industry towards using softer, more slip-resistant rubber in the outsole of shoes.

This change has had a positive impact on the sneaker industry, as it has made shoes more comfortable and safer to wear. It has also made sneakers more affordable, as softer rubber is less expensive to produce than the harder, more traditional rubber.

Softer Rubber Sole

b. Tread Pattern – Rounded Outsole is more Slip-resistant than Flat

It is a common misconception that a flat outsole is more slip-resistant than a rounded outsole. This is not the case. In fact, a rounded outsole actually provides more traction and is less likely to slip on wet or slippery surfaces.

The reason for this is that a flat outsole puts all of your weight on a small area, which can cause your foot to slip. A rounded outsole, on the other hand, spreads your weight out over a larger area, giving you more traction and stability.

So if you’re looking for a shoe that will provide more traction and stability, make sure to choose one with a rounded outsole.

rounded outsole are non slip - how to tell if shoes are non slip

It is always best to check the outsole of the shoe for a slip-resistant pattern. A good slip-resistant outsole will have a herringbone or diamond pattern. These patterns provide good traction and are essential for slip-resistant shoes.

If you take a look at the outsole of your shoe, you’ll notice a pattern of ridges and grooves. This outsole pattern is important for two reasons. First, it helps to provide traction and grip on different surfaces. And second, it helps to absorb impact and distribute pressure evenly across the foot.

3. Special Design Features

There are a variety of different features in outsole designs that can be used in non-slip shoes, but two of the most popular are the chevron and ultra-grip designs.

i. Chevron & Ultra-Grip

The chevron & Ultra-grip design is created by using raised ridges, dots, or V-shaped grooves that point in the direction of the wearer’s travel.

This design is effective in giving the shoe good traction on smooth surfaces, like tile or linoleum.

iI. Safety Loc Soles

Workers in many industries are required to wear non-slip shoes to prevent slips, trips, and falls. But not all non-slip shoes are created equal.

Some have special design features that make them more effective at preventing accidents.

One such feature is a safety Loc sole. This helps to prevent the wearer from sliding forward on slick surfaces. It also helps to increase the contact area between the sole and the ground, providing more traction.

iII. Cleated or Lug Sole

Another special feature is a Cleated or Lug Sole. This allows the shoes to grip the floor better and provide more stability.

iV. Aluminium Oxide Grit

While most people know that aluminium oxide is used in sandpaper, this same substance is also used in the soles of shoes. This grit is added to the soles of shoes to provide extra traction and to help protect the bottom of the shoe from wear and tear.

Aluminium oxide has many benefits that make it a popular choice for shoe manufacturers. It is durable, it provides good traction, and it is relatively inexpensive.

If you work in an industry where slips, trips, and falls are a hazard, be sure to choose a shoe with these special design features. It could help you avoid slipping during work.

Make Your Shoes Non Slip

4. Test the Shoes for Slip-Resistance

It is important to know if the slip-resistant shoes you are wearing will actually protect you from slipping. The only way to know for sure is to put them to the test.

This can be done by testing the shoes on a variety of surfaces, such as tile, hardwood, and linoleum.

The following three basic tests are used to check slip resistance.

a. Water Test

The first test is the water test. To test the shoes, simply wet the surface of the floor and walk around in the shoes. If the shoes do not slip, then they are slip resistant and can be considered for purchase.

B. Oil Test

The second test is the oil test. This is done by placing a few drops of oil on the bottom of the shoe and seeing if it slides on an oily surface. If the shoe does not slip, then it is likely to have good non-slip properties.

C. Grit Test For Slip-Resistant Shoes

Are you interested in purchasing slip-resistant shoes but not sure which type is best for you? Take this quick grit test to find out.

What you’ll need?

  • A sheet of sandpaper
  • A slip-resistant shoe


  • Place the sheet of sandpaper on a flat surface.
  • Rub the sole of the slip-resistant shoe on the sandpaper for 30 seconds.
  • If the shoe leaves a visible mark on the sandpaper, it is not slip-resistant and you should not purchase it.
  • If the shoe does not leave a visible mark on the sandpaper, it is slip-resistant and you can purchase it with confidence. If your shoes are not slip resistance, then you can make them non-slip.

5. Check Reviews Before Buying

When shopping for slip-resistant shoes, it is important to check reviews before making a purchase.

Slip-resistant shoes are designed to provide traction and prevent slips and falls, but not all shoes are created equal.

Some shoes may have better traction than others, and some may be more comfortable to wear. Checking reviews can help you find the best slip-resistant shoes for your needs.

There are a few things to look for when reading reviews of slip-resistant shoes.

First, pay attention to whether reviewers say the shoes are truly slip-resistant. If a reviewer says they have had a slip or fall while wearing the shoes, that is a good indication that the shoes are not as slip-resistant as they claim to be.

Second, look for reviews that mention the comfort of the shoes.

Check the reviews for non slip shoes

If a reviewer says the shoes are uncomfortable or that they cause blisters, take their word for it. Chances are, they’re not just being picky – there’s a real issue with the shoes. Maybe the material is too stiff and rubs against the foot, or maybe the sizing is off and the shoes are too tight.

Whatever the case may be, it’s best to take the reviewer’s feedback into account and look for a different pair of shoes.

6. See Guarantee Before Buying

Most online stores will have a return policy listed somewhere on their website. Before buying shoes online, make sure to check the return policy to see if the store offers a guarantee of non-slip shoes. This way, if the shoes do not meet your expectations, you can return them for a full refund.

By taking the time to do your research before buying shoes online, you can be sure that you are getting a pair of shoes that you will be happy with.

One tip is to look for shoes that have been tested and certified by an independent body, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Shoes that have this certification have been shown to provide a high level of slip resistance.

How to Buy Non-Slip Shoes Online

No doubt, purchasing non-slip shoes online is difficult because you cannot test them. But certain features will help you to get perfect non-slip-resistant shoes.

Here are a few tips to help you find the right pair of non-slip shoes online:

  • Start by searching for shoes that are specifically designed to be non-slip. There are many different brands and styles of shoes that fall into this category.
  • Pay attention to the material that the shoes are made of. Leather and synthetic materials are typically more slip-resistant than fabric.
  • Look for shoes with a textured sole. This can help provide more grip and traction.
  • Avoid shoes with smooth, slippery soles. These types of shoes are more likely to cause you to slip.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

What is the best way to know if shoes are slip-resistant?

One best way to know if shoes are slip-resistant is to look at the tread pattern of shoes. Always find shoes that have a tread pattern specifically designed to provide grip on slippery surfaces. Some shoes even have special coatings that help to repel water and other liquids.

How to make shoes non slip?

There are a few things you can do to make shoes non-slip. The best and most common way is the scuffing of soles with sandpaper. You can use a non-slip spray, which you can find at most stores that sell shoes.

Are Vans & Crocs Slip-Resistant?

Yes, Vans & Crocs owners report that their shoes provide good traction and grip, even on slippery surfaces. So if you’re looking for a shoe that can help you keep your footing in slippery conditions, Van & Crocs might be a good option to consider.


When shopping for slip-resistant shoes, it is important to keep in mind that no shoe can completely prevent slipping.

The best way to reduce the risk of slipping is to wear shoes that have been designed to reduce the risk and to be aware of the potential for slipping in any situation.

To determine if shoes are non-slip, this quick guide can help you to get a pair of non-slip shoes that will make your life easier. If you have any questions then share them with us in the comments.

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