9 Common Effects of Wearing Too Big Shoes

Many people believe that it is better to buy shoes that are slightly too big, rather than too small. They think that this will allow the child’s foot to grow into the shoe and that the child will be more comfortable. However, this is not the case.

Wearing shoes that are too big can actually be quite harmful to a child’s foot development. It can cause blisters, calluses, and even bunions. Additionally, it can lead to trips and falls and can make it difficult for a child to walk or run.

If you are unsure about what size shoes to buy for your child, it is always best to err on the side of caution and go for a fit size. Keep reading to learn more about the effects of wearing shoes that are too big.

What are the Effects of wearing too big shoesPodiatrist Opinion

One common question we get asked is whether or not wearing big shoes has any effect on foot health. After all, it seems like common sense that bigger shoes would provide more support and stability than smaller shoes. However, according to podiatrist Dr. Megan Leahy, this is not necessarily the case.

Dr. Leahy explains that when it comes to foot health, it is more important to focus on the fit of the shoe rather than the size. A shoe that is too big can cause just as many problems as a shoe that is too small. This is because shoes that are too big can cause tripping and falls, while small shoes can cause blisters, calluses, and other problems.

A common mistake people make when shopping for shoes is buying a pair that is too big for them. While it may seem like there is nothing wrong with this, wearing shoes that are too big can actually have several negative effects on your health and cause a number of problems.

So, what is the best way to find a shoe that fits well? Dr. Leahy recommends going to a shoe store in your area that offers professional shoe-fitting services. This is because the staff at these stores are trained to find shoes that fit well for those who need help finding the right shoe.

How Shoes Should Fit?

Here are some effects of wearing shoes that are too big.

1. Tripping And Falling

Wearing big shoes can sometimes be risky. They can cause you to trip and fall, especially if you’re not used to them.

It’s important to be careful when you’re wearing big shoes and to take extra care when walking on slippery or uneven surfaces. If you do trip and fall, try to land on your side or back to avoid injury.

2. Pain and Difficulty In Walking

When looking for shoes, many people only consider style and comfort. However, it is important to also consider the size of the shoe. Shoes that are too big can cause a number of problems, including ankle and foot pain.

Walking in shoes that are too big can cause the foot to slide around inside the shoe, which can lead to blisters and other problems. Additionally, big shoes can make it difficult to walk properly and can put a strain on the ankle and foot. Over time, this can lead to pain in the ankle and foot.

Bad effects of wearing too big shoes

For these reasons, it is important to make sure that the shoes fit properly. When trying on shoes, make sure that there is enough room to wiggle the toes and that the heel does not slip. If the shoe is too big, it is best to try a different size rather than risking ankle

3. Blisters and Foot Problems

When you wear shoes that are too big for your feet, you are at risk of developing blisters and calluses. This is because your feet slide around inside the shoes, rubbing against the fabric and causing friction. Over time, this friction can lead to the formation of blisters and calluses.

If you suspect that your shoes are too big, there are a few things you can do to check.

  • First, try wearing socks or inserting an insole into the shoe. This will help to fill up any extra space and make the shoe fit more snugly.
  • If this doesn’t help, you may need to try a different size or style of shoe. It’s important to get a shoe that fits properly, as this will help to avoid blisters and calluses.
  • If you regularly wear big shoes, be sure to take breaks often to rest your feet and keep an eye out for any signs of pain or discomfort.

4. Metatarsalgia

Metatarsalgia is a common condition that can be caused by wearing shoes that are too tight or too big. This condition can cause pain and discomfort in the ball of the foot, and it is often worse when walking or standing for long periods of time.

So if you’re having pain in the ball of your foot, be sure to check your shoes to see if they might be the cause. And if you’re not sure, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for help.

5. Achilles Tendon Problem

Experts say that wearing high heels can put a strain on the Achilles tendon, potentially causing the tendon to become thicker and shorter. This can lead to pain and stiffness in the heel and calf, and may even make it difficult to walk.

high heel effect the feet - wearing too big shoes

If you’re a woman who loves her high heels, there’s no need to worry just yet. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and to take steps to minimize the strain on your Achilles tendon.

For example, avoid wearing high heels for long periods of time, and switch to lower heels or flats when possible.

6. Morton’s Toe Syndrome

Big shoes can cause severe problems, such as Morton’s Toe Syndrome. Morton’s Toe Syndrome is a condition that can lead to a number of serious problems, including pain, inflammation, and difficulty walking.

If you wear big shoes, it’s important to be aware of the risks and take steps to prevent Morton’s Toe Syndrome.

There are a few things you can do to prevent Morton’s Toe Syndrome.

  • First, make sure your shoes fit properly. Shoes that are too big can put pressure on your toes and cause Morton’s Toe Syndrome.
  • Second, avoid wearing high heels. High heels can put even more pressure on your toes and lead to Morton’s Toe Syndrome.
  • Finally, take breaks often if you wear big shoes. Taking breaks will let your toes rest and reduce the risk of Morton’s Toe Syndrome.

7. Lowers the Performance

It is often said that wearing big shoes lowers performance. This saying is particularly popular among athletes. Wearing big shoes makes it difficult to move quickly and agility. This can lead to a decrease in performance, especially in activities that require quick movements.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right shoes for the activity you are participating in. If you are playing a sport that requires quick movements, you may want to avoid wearing big shoes.

8. Effects on the Entire Body

It is often said that the feet are the foundation of the body. This is because the feet support the entire body and provide balance and stability. When the feet are not in alignment, it can cause problems throughout the body, such as pain in the knees, hips, and lower back.

The big shoe effect is a theory that suggests that wearing shoes that are too big can cause problems in the body. This is because big shoes can throw off the natural alignment of the feet, which can lead to pain and other issues.

If you think your shoes might be the cause of your pain, try wearing a smaller size or going barefoot more often.

The change in foot alignment is the effect of wearing shoes that are too big

9. Effect Walking Style

Big shoes may make your walking style dysfunctional, study finds. A new study has found that people who wear big shoes are more likely to walk in a way that is counterproductive and could lead to injuries.

The study, published in the Journal of BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, looked at how different shoe sizes affected the way people walk. The researchers found that people who wore big shoes were more likely to walk with a wider stance, which can put a strain on the knees and hips and lead to injuries.

So if you’re planning on buying new shoes, be sure to try them on first to make sure they fit properly. And if you’re already wearing big shoes, you may want to consider switching to a smaller size to help improve your walking style.

Make Big Sneakers Fit Better

Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Is it okay if the shoes are a little big?

It’s perfectly fine if the shoes are a little big. In fact, it’s often better to buy shoes that are slightly too big than too small. This is because shoes that are too small can cause discomfort and even pain, whereas shoes that are slightly too big will simply be a little loose and easy to walk in.

Of course, you don’t want shoes that are too big, as they can be difficult to walk in and may even cause you to trip. But if the shoes are just a little bit big, don’t worry – they’ll probably be just fine.

What happens if a shoe is half size too big?

If you buy a shoe that is half a size too big, it is likely that the shoe will be too big and uncomfortable to wear. The shoe may also rub against your foot, which can cause blisters. If the shoe is only half a size too big, you can try wearing thicker socks or Inserting an insole to make the shoe fit more snugly. If the shoe is more than half a size too big, it is probably best to return it and get a different size.

Is it bad to wear shoes that are too big?

It is generally advisable to avoid wearing shoes that are too big for your feet. While it may seem like a good idea to buy shoes that are a little bit big so that you can “grow into them,” this can actually lead to a number of problems.

For one, shoes that are too big can be very uncomfortable and can rub and chafe against your feet. This can even lead to blisters and other foot problems.

Additionally, shoes that are too big can cause you to trip and fall, which can lead to serious injuries.

So if you’re considering buying shoes that are a bit too big, think again. It’s best to buy shoes that fit you properly and are comfortable to wear. Your feet (and your whole body) will thank you in the long run.

What happens if your shoes are too big?

If your shoes are too big, it can cause a number of problems. For one, it can be painful to walk in shoes that are too big. This is because your feet will slide around inside the shoes, which can rub against the sides and cause blisters. Additionally, shoes that are too big can throw off your balance and make it more difficult to walk. Finally, shoes that are too big can actually cause falls and other accidents. So if your shoes are too big, it’s best to either get them professionally fitted or go with a smaller size.

Is it better to have loose or tight shoes?

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to choosing between loose and tight shoes. It really depends on your personal preference and the type of activity you will be doing.

If you are going for a run, you might want to choose shoes that are tighter so they don’t fall off. On the other hand, if you are going to be playing tennis, you might want to choose shoes that are a bit looser so you have more mobility.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what feels most comfortable. Try out different styles and see what works best for you.


After careful consideration of the available evidence, it seems clear that wearing big shoes does indeed have an effect on the wearer. Big-size shoes can cause the falling and provide bad support, and thus can create problems for the wearer.

Wearing shoes that are too big can lead to blisters and other foot problems. This is because your feet will be constantly sliding around inside the shoes, which can cause friction and lead to blisters. On the other hand, shoes that are too small can cause foot pain and discomfort.

It’s essential to find a pair of shoes that perfectly fit your feet. It would be best if you try shoes on before making a purchase. If possible, walk a few steps in the shoes to get a feel of how they fit.

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